Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm a Zimmerman Fan

I have been a Zimmerman fan for a while. A long while. I've been fantasizing about the Baby Surprise Jacket for well over a year. I expect to tackle it in the next few weeks. In the meantime, I was reading her book Knitting Around when I completely fell for her Moebius Jacket (page 57). You can see an example here.

I Had. To. Knit. It. So off I trotted to one of my LYS where I promptly fell for this lovely yarn:

I just started working on it this afternoon (I'm making mine without the back seams). It's all garter stitch and completely mindless (which is important as I'm surrounded by three lively little boys).

I simply can't wait to have it done...although with Oklahoma's realtively mild winters, I may have to move to Canada to enjoy it. I think I'll go plea my case to DH!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Pretty Pretty yarn. I can't wait to see it. I love the idea of no seems. Mindless knitting lets my mind find its own adventure.