Friday, July 20, 2007

I don't do math

I really don't do math. I have an English degree....or as I like to say: I have a B.A. in b-s. No matter that, I also realize that there is math in knitting. Sometimes there's a lot of math, sometimes there's a little math. Other times I become an obsessed lunatic and start a project that unknowingly has lots and lots of math.

Case in point: I decided to make a dog sweater for Max the Wonder Dog (he's a schnoodle).

I bought a book of doggie sweater patterns a while back, I chose some yarn (it's a dog sweater so it had to be easy wash and not a lot of dough), and went to work. I had an idea in mind, I wanted to make Max the Wonder Dog a team that he could wear around the house on game days. I pulled out some knitting graph paper and did this:

See those numbers along the sides? That's M-A-T-H. I calculated, divided, and multiplied. I like to think there was even some high-end algebra in there. When I thought I had all the numbers I needed to know where to start my design I called my knitting math genius friend and blog commentor Lindsey who validated my math and cemented the fact that I was on the fast-track to Math Genius (it's a big stretch but go with me, I need this validation).

So I started my team letters. It was fun, and I couldn't put it down. I started it around 6:00 in the evening and finished near midnight. I'm not a night owl, but by that time I was high on knitting mojo and adrenaline. My math created this:

It's not perfect and it needs to be finished and blocked, but I'm so freakin' proud that I can't stand it. I designed this part of the sweater. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! Again, genius with a capital G.

This may well be the last project of this type that I do, at least for a while. I'm also smart enough to know that I got lucky. I didn't have to "scale" my art on the sweater. But by golly for now I'm basking in the glow of my WIP.

Lastly, some of you have wondered what I look like. Here's a pic of me being intentionally goofy as I model my Lucy Bag. I assure that I look much much younger and thinner in real life. The blog adds at least 40 lbs. (it's a big stretch but go with me, I need this validation).


Linz said...

I like how I am THE blog commenter. Did the rest of your friends miss the title of the blog??? Great job by the way. I also really like your little picture spot.

Laura said...

I love your dog sweater! I saw your Lucy bag on L&B and had to come check out your blog!

bigheartednurse said...

Love the dog sweater. When are you making me an Aggie sweater ?