Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer so far...

School's out. We've had a HUGE garage sale. We've had a lemonade stand. We've been swimming. We've been biking (Boomer Sooner!).

After biking, there was snack -- complete with "bwain fweeze" by Seth.

There have been knitted socks.

Miss Bab's Midnight colorway.

Miss Bab's Terracotta Tile colorway.

And two other pair on the needles -- one in Jitterbug and the other in Regia National.

The biggest knitting news is that my Ultra Alpaca copulated today. Maybe the early summer heat is melting my brain, but I found myself thinking less of color blocks and more of mint chocolate chip. THEN I swatched and got this:

I originally thought I'd hold two of the colors together and swatch for an Adult Surprise Jacket, but when I swatched, I realized that the colors work best in stockinette. So I'm using the green and chocolate brown and making Stephanie Japel's Cozy V-Neck Pullover. I'll save the taupe for another day.

In between it all is work, cooking, cleaning, knitting, and reading (just finished this, and going back to this.)

And at the end of the day, we peek into our children's rooms, and if we're lucky, we get a glimpse of this.

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